Blackish House %3csidez How

TitleBlackish House
LengthLong (30 - 50 hours)
DeveloperHoneybee Black
PublishersHoneybee Black


Those with individuality, good looks which help to bring this out, as well as talent — however, despite having all these things, none of them think about the other people around them, and are all ‘blackish’ personalities.
The agency they work for, SeiGetsu Production, notices this; gathering all these talents, they present them with a single condition.
Which is... for all of them to live together, cooperate with one another, and successfully produce a musical performance within half a year. If they fail, the agency will end all of their contracts, and make sure they can never be a part of the showbiz again.
Where they are forced to live is a run-down mansion that hardly suits these talented stars. The amount of time given to them is half a year. Gathered are all different kinds people — a mix of actors, dancers, seiyuu, singers, models. Furthermore, all of them possess rather ‘extreme’ quirks in their personalities.
Forced into the midst of this mess is the heroine, an actress who does not possess a ‘self.’ After half a year, what is it that the heroine and these other members, will see———?
[From Rie's otoge blog]

  1. Blackish House Sidez How To Find
  2. Blackish Behind The Scenes

Blackish House Sidez How To Find

Blackish house sidez how to change

Blackish Behind The Scenes

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Blackish House %3csidez How
  • Blackish House ←sideZ フルコン感想です。. ※前半 (〜キャラ別)ネタバレなし 【通常版】Blackish House ←sideZ 発売日: 2017/04/28 メディア: DVD-ROM. 2020-05-21 18:46.
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